Proton oh proton.....
MPV baru Proton Exora. Merujuk Artikel wikipedia
'The ProtonExora is a Compact MPV produced by Malaysia car manufacturer Proton. It is another new model from Proton. The development of this MPV starts from zero and it will be the first Malaysian design MPV. The roof's rear section doesn't have a slope as most MPV nowadays have it to increase space for the third row. Proton may use Campro 1.6L engine to power up this MPV as the fuel consumption also is better than bigger one. Some spyshot from the internet shows that Proton did try their engines on other company's MPV. Fully undisguised photos of Proton Exora was leaked onto the internet on the 23rd of January 2009, ahead of the MPV's April 2009 launch date.
Aku pon tak berapa pasti la cam ne pulak kali nie.. Nk tengok dalam lubang lagi ka. Ape punya strategik daa.. Walaubagaimanapon kita tgu dan lihat la cam ne. Ape yg membuatkan org teruja dgn kehadiran spesis baru ni.